Broke Phi Broke Ministry

Monday, January 22, 2007

Response to GG

I'm so glad to hear about your spiritual progress, GG! I read Mere Christianity in college and it is one of my favorite books on Christian theology. C.S. Lewis knows how to break it down, especially on the Trinity and eternity of God. Good luck on the Bible reading. I have probably read most of the Bible so far, with a lot of it required reading back when I was in college. But I definitely need to revisit it. A couple apocryphal boooks that you might like are the gospels of Thomas, Phillip and Mary Magdalene. I've just recently read those. I'm heading toward a different track in my faith now (Christianity is supposed to be more of a journey and lifestyle than formulaic answer to life). Keep me in prayer as I do likewise for you. MJ

Friday, January 19, 2007

Growing In Christ

Greetings fellow BPBer's,

Y'all are so much farther along in your faith than me. I'm slowly but surely taking steps to grow in my faith. I thought i'd share with you some of the latest things.
I'm reading Mere Christianity for the first time as part of a small group.
As part of that group, we're also making prayer cards and praying for five people we hope to bring to Christ.
I haven't finalized my list yet, but I do know that I will be praying for four of my journalism classmates who are international students to come to know Christ. Their names are Stephanie, Jiran, Ming-Lan and Ekaterina.
As you also know, I've never read the BIBLE! At least not the WHOLE Bible. This year I hope to read the whole Bible. So far I've stuck to following my one-year plan.
Please pray that God grants me the guidance and wisdom to stick with it.
That's what is going on in my life now. How about you guys?
I'd love to hear how God is working in your lives! God BLESS!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's time to simplify!

Hey guys,

Following are some of the resources I have mentioned when it comes to the Voluntary Simplicity movement. I will also include those I've found recently about Green Living, Peak Oil and Global Warming. I will just type if the book's name or Web site to save time. Read up (even though some of it may be depressing at first)!

Simplicity: (be sure to check out the podcasts on Simple Radio!);;;;;;

Books: Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vickie Robin; Circle of Simplicity by Cecile Andrews and Simplicity By Richard Rohr (a Franciscan priest)

Green living:;;;;;

Global warming:

Peak Oil: (James Howard Kunstler wrote Geography of Nowhere and the Long Emergency;;;;;

I'll add more later!